As far away as it may appear, it is reality to know that everyone of us would someday grow old. I mean, today we look healthy, strong and beautiful but it is not always going to be like this.

Life and change are good friends, nothing remains the same forever. Change is something that is inevitable or rather said to be constant. How true this is!

I’d really like us to search deeply into our hearts’ and from an insider perspective, consider our attitudes over the years.

What kind of decisions have we made or are presently making?

What steps are we taking toward the kind of life we envisage to live at old age?

What kind of a partner are we considering to marry? Or what changes are we deliberately making in our marriages to make it better?

How serious is our Faith and what intentional steps are we taking for a deeper relationship with our Master – Jesus?

You see, these questions deserve some minutes of sincere soul searching and genuine answers.

We would not remain young and mobile for eternity. A time would come in our lives when we would be incapacitated to do a lot of the things we are privileged to effortlessly do today. Nevertheless, we are responsible for our level of preparation for that time- old age.

How wise are we in choosing friends?

How hospitable are we in reaching out to others?

How passionate are we about the Faith we believe?

For a time would come in our lives, when all these seemingly little things will mean a great deal. A time when the decisions we have made will hunt us either in the positive or negative.

A time when the evil we have committed will be reciprocated to our generation and the good likewise.

A time when the wisdom of Proverb is seen for what it is, Truth (Proverb 4:10-19).

A time when the words of the Psalmist are without doubt (Psalm1:1-6).

However, I’d advise that:

. We build great relationships with the people we have around us.

. We create unforgettable memories with the people we claim are families and friends.

. We become more intentional with our choices, lest we live in regret at the latter years of our lives.

. We make wise use of our time, for time lost cannot be retrieved (1Chronicle12:32).

. We serve God with all our hearts (Joshua22:5).

There would come a time when all we can do is reminisce on these moments and be delighted, for we would no longer be agile and mobile to recreate them- memories.

As that’s all they would have become at the time, beautiful memories, created with those whose existence means or meant so much to us.

How pleased we would be with life, that death would not be viewed as a dreadful idea, but a call to a better place. Because we have lived life as we ought to not just in the sight of our families and friends, but more importantly, God.

In Him, all the little things count.



Photo credit: Google.


  1. That concluding part really caught my attention sis……… “How pleased we would be with life, that death would not be viewed as a dreadful idea, but a call to a better place. Because we have lived life as we ought to not just in the sight of our families and friends, but more importantly, God.”……….. every man has to think on this..

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